Wisdom Gatherings

Group Mentoring Process


Dive into a transformative odyssey of soul evolution.  Awaken your inner potential as you journey through the realms of higher consciousness, where your individual growth is magnified by the collective wisdom of our conscious community.  Welcome to Wisdom Gatherings!

Subscription: $188/month

Why Wisdom Gatherings

Discover the Magic of Wisdom Gatherings!

Wisdom Gatherings, an intimate and deeply experiential group mentoring program, invites you to embark on a journey like no other—a journey into the very heart of your inner worlds.

Limited to just 11 participants, Wisdom Gatherings offer a rare and sacred space where individual exploration merges with the profound power of the collective. Here, under the expert guidance of Jennifer, you will delve into the meta realms, those hidden dimensions of your being where untapped capacities and deep wisdom reside.

Every journey is a hero’s quest, a quest to unlock the full spectrum of your higher self. As you venture inward, you will uncover the treasures of your inner landscapes, accessing the deep knowledge and latent potentials that lie just beneath the surface of ordinary awareness.

The collective amplifies our personal growth. Within the nurturing embrace of our small, cohesive group, you will find that the power of the collective soul magnifies your individual insights and transformations. Together, we create a resonant field of possibility, where the shared intention and synergy of the group elevate each participant’s journey.

Magic unfolds in the meta realms. Through guided meditation journeys with rituals and dynamic explorations, you will transcend the limitations of the rational mind and enter a space of infinite creativity and wisdom. This is where the inspiration of the soul and the creative power of the mind converge, opening pathways to your greatest potentials.

Join us in this unique and evolutionary offering. Let us journey together, as explorers of consciousness and co-creators of a new reality. In the Wisdom Gatherings, you will not only discover the deeper dimensions of your own being but also contribute to the collective awakening of our human family.

Wisdom Gathering are unique exclusive group mentoring programs. Each Wisdom Gathering group meets twice a month for deep guided journeys (11 people maximum per group).  

Journeys that include: 

Quantum Mind Exploration: Access the quantum mind, a place where the inspiration of the soul and the creative power of the mind meet.

Optimal Body Template Creation: Access cellular wisdom and activate your inner healer.

Reality Shifting:  Reshape, expand, and recreate your reality through multiple dimensional journeys.

Join us in this exclusive offering!

Contact us with your interest, next group forming soon.