Discover a Transformative Journey  with Jennifer

Through private sessions, Jennifer offers one-hour experiences tailored to your needs, including energy healing, soul mentoring, and inner journeys.  

When you work with Jennifer, you tap into the profound resources found within the Realms of Consciousness… the Playground of the Possible.

Let Jennifer guide you on a path of self-discovery, healing and empowerment, nurturing the possible human seeded within.

Energy Healing

Experience remote or in person healing sessions with Prana Therapy and Selfica Technologies.  These sessions promote relaxation, emotional balance, and spiritual growth, while boosting the body’s self-healing abilities.  Alleviate pain, inflammation, and stress.  Rebalance your physical and subtle systems in each sessions.

Soul Mentoring

A deep coaching partnership designed to enrich your life with clarity, creativity, and purpose.  Whether you’re seeking to advance a project, improve relationships, or enhance your well-being, these sessions guide you to discover and align with your soul’s purpose.  Each session includes an ‘Evolutionary Point’ reading.

Inner Journeys

Embark on transformative  journeys with Jennifer  into the quantum realms.  Explore the power of the imaginal, a place beyond mere imagination, where infinite possibilities converge with your soul’s desires.  Experience profound activations, integrations, & realizations as you tap into the deep wisdom and healing that lies within.

Realms of Conscioiusness / Playground of Possibilities.

Within the depths of your being resides the greatest teacher and the most profound healer you will ever find.  Jennifer invites you on a journey to unlock the secrets and elevate your life as you explore the ‘Realms of Consciousness’, connect with your inner master and unlock the vast potentials that await.

Intrigued? Watch this video short to learn more about the Realms of Consciousness / Playground of Possibilities.

My Approach to Human Potential

Realms of Consciousness / Playground of Possibility

The Embodied Self

The Embodied SELF encompasses not only our physical body but also our connection to the universe – the tangible, measurable world around us.  WIthin this realm, we learn to master our physical presence, to understand profound connection between our bodies and the world, and to unlock latent powers that can change our reality.

The Psyche Explored

The second realm is The Psyche Explored.  This is where we connect with our Inner Crew and Navigate the Inner Landscapes of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.  It’s the realm of our mind, where we uncover the immense influence our psyche has on our lives.  Here, we can tap into the vast potential hidden within our own thoughts, emotions, and consciousness. 

Spirituality Unveiled

In our third realm, we embark on a journey to explroe Spiritual Horizons Unveiled.  Here, we ascend to higher planes of consciousness, connecting with the transcendental aspects of our being.  We discover our deeper purpose and interconnectedness of all things.  It’s a realm where we awaken to our spiritual potential, accessing powers beyond the material world.

mythic realm

Our final realm, Mythic Narratives and Symbolic  Riches, is where we dive deep into the world of myths and symbols.  It’s a realm that holds the collective wisdom of humanity, a realm where we connect with archetypes and narratives that shape our identity and our potential.  Here, we unlock the transformative power of these symbols to change our lives.

Meet Your Guide

Jennifer Evanko

Consciousness Explorer / Spiritual Guide / Transformation Catalyst

For over four decades, Jennifer has dedicated her life to unraveling the mysteries of consciousness and unlocking the full potential of humanity. Her journey has led her across the globe, from sacred sites to renowned mystery schools and leading-edge metaphysical centers, where she has delved deep into meditation, integrative medicine, alchemy, and the art of transformation.

Jennifer’s quest for knowledge has taken her to Brazil to study energy healing techniques, to the Mystery Schools of Damanhur in Italy for certifications, and to the Chopra Center University in California where she trained under luminaries such as Dr. Deepak Chopra, David Simon, and Davidji. She also had the privilege of being mentored by Dr. Jean Houston, a trailblazer in the Human Potential movement, for five transformative years, gaining insights into the imaginal realm and transformative techniques.

Drawing from her vast experience, Jennifer has developed original and profoundly transformative programs, including ‘Wisdom Gatherings,’ ‘Adventures in Consciousness,’ and free “deep-dive” Morning Meditations, which have garnered love and appreciation from students worldwide. Her greatest joy is guiding others into the uncharted territories of the ‘meta-realm,’ empowering them to expand their consciousness, discover self-knowledge, and align with their higher destiny.